Barnham, Eastergate and Westergate
Hybrid planning application consultation
About and Background
The application site measures approximately 92 hectares and predominantly comprises agricultural fields. It is located in the central part of Arun District and forms part of the Land at Barnham, Eastergate and Westergate (BEW) allocation.
BEW is a strategic allocation in the Arun District Council Local Plan (2018), identified for new housing, alongside other social infrastructure - including two new primary schools, two local centres which will include shops and a library facility. In November 2020 a Framework Masterplan for the allocation was endorsed by the Council. This document contains the key design principles for planning applications within the allocation.
The site allocation is formed of multiple land ownerships and promoters that are now working on planning applications to bring forward development.
The Southern Consortium is the largest landowner at the site and comprises The Church Commissioners for England and Hanbury Properties. The forthcoming hybrid application is the first planning application to be brought forward by the Southern Consortium. It comprises the land north of the railway line and the route of the A29 realignment south of the railway.

Site Location Plan
Click on the image above to see the full plan
Land Promotions Plan
Click on the image above to see the full plan